By Rosemary MacGregor RN, MS
The Wall Street Journal recently published an article about the rise in consciousness about green coconut water. They mentioned that Pepsi and Coca Cola were looking at green coco water as the new health food drink. In time the product will be marketed in the United States as a health drink and sought by the organic, raw and healthy eaters. Alliances are already being drawn up with Bikram Yoga studios around the country.
What was left out of the article were the incredible benefits of this remarkable plant and drink. The coconut is an ancient grass and in Sanskrit the coconut is known as the tree that supplies all that is needed to live, in other words, the tree of life.
First, all coconuts are not the same. Some trees are very tall, some short and coconuts are green, yellow and brown. Wild coconut water is slightly alkaline and flesh is slightly acidic. It is rich in Potassium and low in calories. The soft meat can be used as a thickener in raw food dishes, is wonderful in smoothies, that is, of course if it ever gets beyond your spoon. The other day I watched as a Tico drank the “pipa” water through a straw, macheteed open the coconut and then used the cap that had been removed to drink the liquid to scoop out the soft inside custard.
The ground up husk of the coconut is a wonderful starter base for seeds. In nature, the husk is a natural water filter making an approximate liter of sterile coco water, which has the highest sources of electrolytes found in nature. Amazingly, it is identical in content to human blood plasma making it a possible substitute for a blood transfusion. The Ticos drink the “pipa” water as a diuretic and a source of Potassium and minerals.
Composition of coconut water in %
Water 95.5
Nitrogen 0.05
Phosphoric acid 0.56
Potassium 0.25
Calcium oxide 0.69
Magnesium oxide 0.59
Composition of coconut in mg/100g
Iron 0.5
Total solids 4.71
Reducing sugars 0.80
Total sugars 2.08
Ash 0.62
Dosage: 3-4 drinks per day.
One of the most delicious of foods is the young green coconut meat, mostly a pure, raw saturated fat that is easily oxidized, easily digested and can be converted to energy easily. Like a custard, this meat is a wonderful healer of oxidative tissue damage. And for you men, green coco meat is known to restore male sexual fluids.
Coconut oil, given a bad rap for many years as a saturated fat actually contains no cholesterol and, in fact, helps to lower cholesterol. How? The cholesterol lowering properties of coconut oil directly stimulates thyroid function, and in the presence of adequate thyroid, cholesterol (especially LDL) is converted to needed anti-aging steroids, progesterone, DHEA, and pregnenolone. Because of pregnenolone, coconut oil is used for cosmetic purposes, thus restoring sagging skin, reducing bags under the eyes, countering fatigue, enhancing memory and protecting the nerves from stress. Shifting to coconut oil as a fat normalizes blood sugar levels. Eating it and massaging it into the skin prevents oxidative stress that leads to aging skin and “liver spots”. Caprylic acid, a component of the coconut is the most potent yeast-fighting substance. Those with candida issues or other fungal conditions benefit from coconut oil, both internally as well as externally. Over-all, coconut oil is and anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-fungal.
In India, the coconut palm is known as “kalpa vriksha” meaning “the tree that supplies all that is needed to live”.